Sudden Dementia Sudden Dementia- Symptom Of What?

Sudden dementia- symptom of what? - sudden dementia

My father is in the late '50s. There have always been started eccentrically, but suddenly in the last week has to act, well, crazy. He calls my husband and tells me he has to do much with us, and approaching and talking for hours, but I can not follow what he says is a text-messaging lingo for us, I compare it to someone on powerful painkillers that he thinks, speaks clearly, but your opinion and what they say they really are broken and scattered, "I think it's on all medicines for. He thinks he is very allergic to wheat and gluten and therefore follows a strict gluten-free, I wonder if this could have some impact on that point. We're worried about a sudden change not only behavior, he sees the woman called me at work because I wanted to my husband about it communicate directly and would not ask for your number. My husband is a kind of brush, but I am afraid that this is a symptom of something like a stroke or something. Any ideas?


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