Brazilian Wax Results Photos Have You Ever Gotten A Brazilian Bikini Wax?

Have you ever gotten a Brazilian bikini wax? - brazilian wax results photos

I thought it did not take, so to speak, and you get - but I'm scared! Some of my friends had one and opinions differ. Some say it does not hurt, and all the others say it was the worst pain of your life. Have the Brazilian bikini wax before? If so, what is bad, and how long do the results?


Laura said...

It depends on the beautician, your tolerance to pain, etc ...

If he did, it was very painful and I hated and othertime was a real pleasure, because it was very fast and the most important areas. The problem with these wax ingrown hairs can be very, very easy there.

The outcome depends on you, nobody can say, oh, it takes a month because hair growth is any different.

Willow said...

Well, everyone is different. Be eveyrone say, but it's true.

On the one hand, everyone has a different tolerance to pain. For example, when I clamps year, my old friend, said that when she was in a hurry, always left with tears in his eyes. It scared me, but ultimately no damage on a scale of 1-10, burned alive, 10 in, around 0.5. See what I mean?

In addition, different times for each take. If your hair is naturally good, or not hairy, then you probably could take up to 4 weeks or less. I wax, but not a Brazilian, and not least as a rule only 2 weeks before you need it again because I'm really hairy! :). It all depends on your body and your pain tolerance.

Good luck!

D. (Da Dude) Danderfoose said...

Personally, I will make a Brazilian waxing!

Joli said...

.. that was very painful, but worth it, I lost my hair for almost a month.

ana2rosa... said...

No, I never will.

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