Kashi Glycemic Is This Bad Advice From My Doctor For Diabetes And My Diet?

Is this bad advice from my doctor for diabetes and my diet? - kashi glycemic

I usually eat a very healthy diet of whole foods for the most part. Tie. 60 or more on products with a variety of products 15-20 kinds of vegetables and 5-6 types of fruit daily, 90% whole can, meat meal outdoors, maybe 4.5 weeks, healthy fats, nuts and seeds and occasionally in the open air Dairy / eggs.

I kept a dairy for 4 days .. If I were him, achieved all the fruits and grains .. I said no kashi buckwheat pancakes, oatmeal, brown rice, roast beef, brown rice or whole wheat pasta and fruits such as strawberries, apples, grapes, etc. said, unsweetened except lemons, I could have.

I have metabolic syndrome and diabetes, perhaps after the last thread was just under 5.9 AIC 6.0.

I think it's healthy sideLike all carbohydrates .. that the grains are complex carbohydrates, and although the result is considered a simple sugar, the fiber, it should be avoided.

Is this good advice, or should I eat and continue to improve as I work with, and because Messups occasionally.

I'm not sure what the doctors recommend regular problems with blood sugar in the diet .. My doctor is an allopathic, but it is very, very healthy alternative.

Are whole grains and fruits to eat bad for me. I am afraid that my blood sugar level is high, as today I screwed up and went to a Chinese buffet and it got me thinking if I should avoid carbohydrates.

Did I hear of a diet low glycemic index was good for sugar in the blood.


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