Hairbrush Uses What Purpose Is There For Using Belts Hairbrush's Ect To Discipline Children?

What purpose is there for using belts hairbrush's ect to discipline children? - hairbrush uses

It's a risk, not least through the open with only one hand. I think the only reason for using this is more pain than is necessary, what I think the cause is morally wrong.


threenor... said...

I was a single father, and his hand really does not work: It's embarrassing to turn to get a hug from your child. having no partner to explain the discrepancy, the children can not tell if you kiss or blow when emotions get high.

I have a band instead - a red one for the eldest daughter, black for the little ones - and I knew that the time the belt on the wall, everything was in order. lasted only a few times, but in time all I had to do was play tapes and there are two small burns, like a flash, the armory.

and no, it does not whales on the butts of their children - they were only a small pipe, or hard as a slap in the hand, and one is enough.

threenor... said...

I was a single father, and his hand really does not work: It's embarrassing to turn to get a hug from your child. having no partner to explain the discrepancy, the children can not tell if you kiss or blow when emotions get high.

I have a band instead - a red one for the eldest daughter, black for the little ones - and I knew that the time the belt on the wall, everything was in order. lasted only a few times, but in time all I had to do was play tapes and there are two small burns, like a flash, the armory.

and no, it does not whales on the butts of their children - they were only a small pipe, or hard as a slap in the hand, and one is enough.

Happy days said...

I agree, I think that the collision is with a child with an object very bad. I do a light swat on the hand or foot of a child (hand) to understand, just to get his attention, as if to say, if it do something dangerous. In fact, not bad, just kind of gets its attention. But, intentionally inflicting physical pain, as punishment, I agree entirely with this. And with an object, as it serves no purpose just to cause pain. Ask an adult would probably be as likely as torture and "cruel and unusual punishment be considered." So, why should children's different (which is probably the worst for pain because they are smaller and more fragile)?

Holiday Romance said...

I think physically harm a child very sick. The child must be able to see a father as a model. If the father resorts to violence, the child thinks it is good for their children. Then mentally scar a child, especially if the male guardian to physically harm a child. Or vice versa. This could lead to the fact that women are afraid to have sex with men in the future. I do not think that, if the use of an object or the hand is important. The still very bad.

kitkat said...

Want to raise the amount of pain a brush, spatula or other tool that needs to be done is wrong. I seriously abusing the possibility of abuse in borderline cases, if not more. The idea that the goal is to inflict pain, spanking is bad. Spanking is a tool, the same thing as idle time, the earth spoke, and with a child. The intent is to teach, not to interfere.

pamela w said...

People who beat their children with belts, etc. I Shot should not really agree with astonishment that the kids have to say is I never hit my children never believe that the threat be enough, should be to deter

This belief is that New York and all I do is criticize someone at his son with his right hand, I proposed to do in person,

mommy of 3, 2 boys and a girl said...

no, it's not true, I do not give me my hand when I do not spank my children, my ass, they would have from my hand to fear. I will not be placed on the waiting time, and they think I'm going to beat them. Although not bear a belt or brush, she sees nothing wrong about something other than the hand. And I know that my father beat me harder with his hand when I beat my children with the hand, if more pain is not true.

Simply Me! said...

I agree with you! With nothing further to an open hand is simply wrong. and parents should be beaten to beat their children. LOL. Misconduct. It's funny how it with brushes, belts, switches was made, and then they say stop crying or unwilling to return. Of course idiots are crying!

Mommy to Eden said...

Am I completely agree. The parents are cowards, they need some discipline other than their power, their children's use. All this type of injury or any kind of brand child abuse, and I am sure that leave hair brushes and strip. So to all parents that you do with your children - You Suck at. :)

SJC said...

I guess that's why they make the most impact. I think if U are using something other than the hand, it is especially important to warm, not to punish the head. Wait until the subway calm down '.

Arcare said...

In the last ( "UK"): My father took my hand and believe me, so that even bruises. I think any kind of physical beating is bad.

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